What’s Worship Like?
Attending a worship service at a new place for the first time can be intimidating to some. The information below will make it easier for you during your first visit with us. The worship service begins at 10:00 a.m.
The Gathering
Upon arrival, you will receive a bulletin for the week. On the cover will be a printed order of worship. This tells you the order of things that will occur during the service. Items you will find on that list may include:
Welcome – This is a brief introduction at the beginning of our service where we will welcome you and other guests to our worship assembly.
Prayer – During the assembly there will be several prayers that will be led by individuals.
Singing – You can expect worship time to be filled with a cappella singing. There are song books on the back of the pew. Also, the words are projected onto a large screen that can be easily read throughout the Worship Center. The songs are led by a worship leader and a praise team. We encourage everyone to sing praises to our God.
Lord’s Supper – The Lord’s Supper, sometimes called Communion, is included in worship every Sunday. This is a time when Christians remember the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a time to reflect, remember, and prioritize our lives around the loving sacrifice Jesus offered for us.
There will be a prayer and then a plate containing small pieces of wafer-like bread is served first. We encourage all believers to take a piece, eat it, and then pass the plate to the next person. Following this, another prayer will be offered. Then a tray of grape juice will be served. Again, we encourage all believers to take one of the small cups from the tray, drink the juice, and return the cup to the tray before passing it on to the next person.
Offering – Plates are passed to collect the weekly financial offering from our members, but as our guest, you are not expected to make a donation. Of course, you are welcome to give if you so desire. Otherwise, please feel comfortable in just passing the collection plate to the next person.
Message – Each worship assembly includes a teaching time that focuses on the teachings of Jesus and how they apply to our lives today. The sermon will last about 20 minutes. Video, props, slides, and other tools are used to help communicate our message.
Prayer Time – In addition to the prayer offered by one individual, another time of prayer has been set aside so that all members can have the opportunity to go to others in the Worship Center and pray with them. The worship leader will provide instructions at the proper time. Many of our members will want to pray with one of the elders and their wives or ministers and their wives. Some will go to their small group leader. Others just feel the need to pray with their friends. And then there are some who prefer to sit and mediate and pray by themselves. Whatever you want to do during this approximately six-minute time period is your choice.
Bible Hour – This is available during the sermon time for 2 year olds to 2nd grade. Volunteers will be there to sing, teach, and complete age appropriate activities.
Nursery – is available during worship time for children under two.